Quizzes Made Easy Self Study

Quizzes Made Easy Self Study

Our hugely successful group coaching content is now available for self study at a fraction of the cost!

This course offers a comprehensive guide to crafting purposeful, engaging quizzes with compelling questions and results, optimised for your ideal customers and designed for maximum reach and efficiency.
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What's Included?

Module 1: Quiz Purpose & Design We delve into your quiz objectives, title, and subtitle creation, along with understanding the Quiz Bridge concept to align your quiz with your broader goals.

Module 2: Outcomes and Ideal Customers We'll outline your quiz results by understanding your ideal customers, writing compelling outcomes, and what to include in your results for maximum impact.

Module 3: Questions, Answers & Engagement This module covers reverse engineering your questions, selection of images or GIFs, applying the SOFTEE Quiz Framework, and optimizing your email capture page.

Module 4: Quiz Optimization The final module includes templates for result email sequences and teaches you how to gain maximum visibility for your quiz without any additional investment.